Happy birthday, Tim!
Well, Thanksgiving was way good. We had 2 dinners and it turned out that one of our dinners just happened to invite two Hispanics that go to our English class and are interested in the Book of Mormon. It’s always nice to have good members in the clutch. That was way cool; hopefully soon we will be able to start teaching them. That would be cool. We first went to Bishop Darrington’s house, which was way fun. He is such a cool guy, and his family is so funny. I love them. We have such good times with them. Then we went to the Christiansen’s house. They fed us again and we got to hang out with them too. That was also way good. In the morning we went to the Clifton’s house and played some Blokus and stuff with them. That was also super fun. Then after the dinners we went back to the Clifton's and played monops. I Lost ! ( I disgraced my BYU monops friends. I think it was because it was credit card monops though, and I need straight cash money.) It was a way good day.
We have had snow a few times. It makes things look better. Less brown. I like it a lot, but it does get pretty cold. Thank goodness for a car. I definitely need the coat though. I will be posting pictures that show snow.
We set a girl in Schurz with a baptismal date. She has a super strong testimony already. She has been to church several weeks. She will be baptized in 2 Saturdays. We taught her mom the first lesson.